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The Governors of Stanway Primary School are committed to ensuring that every pupil has the opportunity to achieve their best outcomes, and give their full support to our ‘Success and Enjoyment for all’ ethos.

The Governing Board meet twice a term, and whenever else it is deemed necessary, and consists of a group of volunteers from parents, staff and the local community, all of whom have the professional skills and experience with which to support the school.

The main roles of the Governors are to provide effective support and challenge for the school, to play an active role in setting the school’s ethos and values and to monitor and evaluate the progress of the school.

Each Governor is assigned a specific responsibility, for example, English, Maths, Health and Safety, SEND or Finance. As part of their role, they carry out regular monitoring of their specific area, through visits to the school, talking to staff and pupils, dropping into lessons and maintaining a constructive and supportive relationship with the Headteacher and the leadership team. The Governors also carry out climate walks around the school, to ensure that it is compliant with current legislation, and that up-to-date and effective policies are in place and upheld.

Signed and approved minutes from the Governing board meetings are available upon request from the school office.